”第1章”の終わりにあたり / At the End of “Chapter One”(2020/05/17)














































p.s. 3ヶ月半も滞在することになった広州では、ホテルの人にとてもお世話になりました。特に写真のオーナーは、コロナ問題がひどくてホテルの営業をやめた時でも僕だけは受け入れ続けてくれたし、僕が旅を再開したものの広州に押し返された時には僕が隔離されずにまたホテルに戻れるようにしてくれました。ついにホテルをチェックアウトして日本へと戻るときも、外まで見送ってくれて、シェア自転車まで用意してくれました。オーナーの他にも、ホテルのスタッフはいつも僕が快適に滞在できるようにしてくれたし、僕ともよく話をしてくれました。コロナ問題という不運な時に、こんな優しい人が多いホテルにたまたま辿り着けたことは何よりも幸運なことでした。ありがとう。みんなが「普通の時にまた遊びに来い」と言ってくれたので、僕が今度広州に行くときはまたここに帰るでしょう。








At the end of “Chapter One”

Me with the hotel owner who helped me a lot

Me with the hotel staffs who helped me a lot


At the end of April 2020, Middle Kingdom Adventure which I started in September 2019 was about to finish. Overall I visited 32 provinces and 54 UNESCO world heritage sties and I was about to achieve my goal: visiting all the provinces (33) and all the UNESCO sites (55) in China. The very last province was Tibet Autonomous Region and the very last UNESCO site was the Potala Palace in Lhasa.


I took the Tibet Railway from Qinghai province and spent 21 hours to go over the Tibetan Plateau which was more than 4000 meters high on average. In the train, I enjoyed talking with Tibetan monks and eventually arrived at “the final place.” Yes, I finally got to Lhasa in Tibet and took a picture of me raising both arms so high and smiling big in front of the UNESCO site, the Potala Palace! (I opened both hands so big that they looked like number 5 for each, which meant this was the 55th UNESCO site I visited)


YEEEEEEES!!! I finally completed China!!!!




This kind of ending, I could clearly imagine.

My big smile after accomplishment, I could clearly imagine.


However, my dream to complete China, which I could clearly imagine, was destroyed by the nightmare of the worldwide outbreak of coronavirus which I could never imagine.


Many kind of preventive measures were introduced since the end of January, which made it impossible for me to normally travel anymore. Most of my friends quickly evacuated abroad, but I stayed in Guangzhou because I wanted to be ready to restart my travel as soon as possible and complete my goal. I endured 52 days of loneliness and anxiety. Then, I started my travel again.


However, my travel was stopped again only in half day; I left Guangzhou and arrived at the next city where I was only given ultimate two choices, quarantine there or return to Guangzhou. Since it was a must for me to restart my travel at this point in order to complete all the provinces and UNESCO sites within the time left for me, that meant my last hope to finish the travel was gone. Yes, “Middle Kingdom Adventure” is over. It was over very easily. I did everything I could so I had no regret.


However, I lost all the motivations for any actions because they came from my strong resolution that “I will absolutely achieve my goal to complete China.” I felt no power anymore in my body. It was just like, until then actively dancing puppet suddenly lost all the strings and fell down to the floor; I also lost all my power and just lied down on the bed with unmovable body. Days after days, day and night, I just had very messed up life.


I’m very much “a goal-driven person.” Once I decide a goal to achieve something, I can go for that with strong actions, mentality, and patience. I can spend all of me to make efforts in achieving a goal. I have so far tried many kind of things which some people said “it’s impossible” and achieved them.


This time as well, I put all of my efforts in hitting all the provinces and all the UNESCO sites in China, which was the goal of Middle Kingdom Adventure. Although I had many hard times on the road physically and mentally, I was fine at all because I knew what I was doing was leading to achieve the goal. That’s why I was fine to climb high steep mountains, go on freezing dark roads, and visit places with no information. That’s why I kept staying in Guangzhou even after China got in state of emergency. Even when I departed from Guangzhou to restart my travel with anxiety, I was very clear about the new travel route to finish my travel.


However, I couldn’t travel anymore, and I lost my goal. Then, it was tough that I felt like doing nothing and just killed my time in Guangzhou for nothing. I’m basically positive so that I still thought “I just do my best in this situation” and actually did like that. But, it was still tough. I felt like “I have no reason to do anything anymore.” I almost stopped working on all the platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and the website.


However, I also knew the most important thing; the goal that I visit all the provinces and all the UNESCO sites in China is just a part of the process to achieve my real goal. My real goal is to “MAKE PEACE FROM TRAVEL” = “Increase the number of Japanese people visiting China and make more sustainable peace between Japan and China.” In that sense, I didn’t lose my real goal at all and I still have many things I can do to get to that goal.
Well…sometime we feel down or lose motivation, right?


I think the very important thing is not to give up in the middle, but hang on there to keep trying until the end.


When I was so stupid but studying for the college exam, I found this saying;
“Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others let go”


So, I’ll keep on making efforts to get to my real goal, “Increase the number of Japanese people visiting China and make more sustainable peace between Japan and China”!!


For now, I really want to appreciate everyone who supported me to this point. When I was down with my poor performance, I was often saved by warm words from you. I’ll keep it up, so please stay tuned with me!


p.s. Due to the outbreak, I ended up staying in Guangzhou for three and half months and people there were always helpful for me. In particular, the hotel owner in the first picture helped me a lot; he accepted only me in the hotel even when they closed their business because of the outbreak. He was also the one to help me safely back to the hotel without being quarantined after I once left Guangzhou to restart my travel. When I finally checked out to go back to Japan, he came out to say goodbye and also prepared the rental bike for me. Other staffs in the hotel were also nice and helped me have a comfortable stay. I also talked a lot with them. In the unfortunate time of the outbreak, it was such fortunate for me to accidentally find this hotel with so many kind people. Thank you. Since they said “Come back in a normal time”, I would return to this hotel again when I visit Guangzhou next time.


Travel continues in search for peace.



*Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, I had to stop my travel at the end of January. Thus, I could only visit 25 provinces and 32 UNESCO sites in total.

*My travel was from September 2nd 2019 to May 17th 2020 (I was on other duty for a week in October and two weeks in December-January) (I got stuck in Guangzhou since January 24th 2020 because of the coronavirus).





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